Neurodivergent Resources

A non-exhaustive list of resources that may be useful for neurodivergent humans

What is neurodivergence?

Neurodivergent means having a mind that functionally diverges from societal views of “normal”.

Examples: ADHD, ASPD, DID + OSDD, BPD, NPD, Dyslexia, CPTSF, Dypsraxia, Sensory processing disorder, Dyscalculia, PTSD, Dysgraphic, Bipolar, Autism, Epilepsy, OCD, ABI, TIC Disorders, Schizophrenia, Misophonia, HPD, Down Syndrome, Synesthsia: Neurodivergent Umbrella Source

ND Affirming Therapist Directories

ND Affirming Practices

Lived Experience Educator’s Neurodiversity Affirming Principles

Body Doubling Resources

Scheduled Co-Working

Open Co-Working

Pomodoro Timers

